Between July and September 2021, the MUSE – Science Museum of Trento presented the premiere of Over Time, the three-channel video installation that stems from a project by Laura Pugno.
The exhibition arises from the research and conservative intervention conducted on three works by the Brazilian artist Matheus Rocha Pitta by the conservator Sara Stoisa.
What is a border? How to represent a border space? How are the History and the stories of border areas constructed and recounted?
We-Traders. Swapping crisis for city is a travelling exhibition which involved a network of initiatives by artists, designers, activists and citizens from five European contexts: Lisbon, Madrid, Toulouse, Turin and Berlin.
A nomadic exhibition and a laboratory that brings together artists who have dedicated part of their research to the theme of water, conceived as a space open to discussion and reflection.
South-western Piedmont and the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence together make up a “half-way house”, divided by the mountains but joined by a shared history, made up of migrations, seasonal work, explorations and conflicts.
Is an exhibition a public space? It is a useful place to fulfill expectations and discourses of citizens and communities?
A project aimed to establish a “satellite pavilion” of the 13th Venice Biennial of Architecture, at 3,080 metres above sea level in the shelter on a peak along the northern ridge of Monviso.
A site-specific project in the real or imaginary footsteps of the many people who stayed from 1929 onwards at the Hotel Oriente at Caraglio, closed for years but remained unaltered over time.
A journey through Italy articulated between past and present, touching upon emblematic themes – institutions, work, migrations and politics – and key figures, as well as the darker sides of the Italian national conscience.
A selection of works from La Gaia Collection at Busca, chosen by Francesco Arena, Elisabetta Benassi, Rossella Biscotti, Gianluca and Massimiliano De Serio, Armin Linke, and Sisley Xhafa.
The exhibition collects unpublished footage shoot by the authors during the research to produce the documentaries.
A context-specific project at Caraglio Spinning Mill based on the traces of the ancient manufacturing activities.
The first solo exhibition in Italy of the French artist Olivier Grossetête.
A series of embroideries on floral fabrics that questions the notions of opacity and mimesis as elements of our cultural and emotional perception of the world.
A project that queries the mechanisms we use to attribute identity that result from the projection of our own personality and our own experiences concerning our image of the other.
A mirage, inspired by the stories about the picking expeditions for blueberries and raspberries that artist’s grandfather told him, when the inhabitants of the valley used to keep in contact with one another by means of songs and calls.
The headgear-sculptures by Meschac Gaba presented at Caraglio Spinning Mill in collaboration with the Collezione La Gaia di Busca.
Poetic Justice by Tania Bruguera presented at Caraglio Spinning Mill in collaboration with the Collezione La Gaia di Busca.
A selection of twenty pieces that document the main themes in the work of Claudia Losi between 1995 and 2008.
A comprehensive overview of Franco Vaccari’s artistic production between 1965 and 2007.